Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Scrabble Tile Necklaces

I found an awesome tutorial on how to make necklaces out of Scrabble tiles recently, and have had lots of fun making them. I've made several for myself and the girls decided that they'd like one, too. So, they each found one waiting for them under the Christmas tree. I found pictures of Tinkerbell that I liked and then sized them down to fit. I wear my Scrabble tiles on chains, but since the girls are so little they can't fasten the hooks. So, I got some elastic jewelry cord and some necklace kits with the beads in the Michaels dollar section and strung the Scrabble tile on the beaded necklace. It looks super cute, and the girls can get them on and off easily. My girls love jewelry as much as I do, so I have the feeling I'll be making more for them in the future!

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