Friday, August 14, 2009


A while back I told you that I'd partnered with a couple of fantastic sites for giveaways, and the first one is here!

When Susana at Our Homeschool Fun contacted me and asked me if I'd sponsor a giveaway on her site, I was intrigued. I've been toying with the idea of homeschooling our girls for a couple of months now, so it was another push from the cosmos in that direction, it seemed. When I visited her site, I fell in love. First, she's got super adorable kiddos! Seriously, wait until you see the pictures of them. Cuteness overload. Second, the stuff she does with her kids looks like so much fun!

So, go pay her a visit and enter to win a chance to win an Owl print crayon wallet handmade by Moi! You can see all the contest details here. I just checked out the comments and got warm fuzzies. *Smooch* to all of you for the love!

I'm still weighing my options regarding schooling, but I'm now following her site because of all the super cute ideas she's got. I can't wait to try some of the crafts she's got. Her recipe for banana bars is something the girls and I are going to make this week. Yummy!


  1. You are too sweet and give me way too much credit--but thank you very much!!

    You will LOVE the banana bars--let me know what you think--come back next Sunday....I'll be posting a recipe for homemade carrot cake cupcakes:-)!

  2. I was over at Friday's Gracious Giveaways and I saw these wonderful crayon wallets among other things. I love your work. Thanks for sharing

  3. Found your blog via Homeschool Fun. Love your work!

  4. I'm visiting from Friday's Gracious Giveaways! I just adore the crayon wallet and think it would be the absolute perfect thing to keep in my purse for those long waits at the doctor's office or other times when the kids need to sit still and start getting antsy. What a great idea!

  5. Love your stuff! Very cute :) Found you via Gracious Giveaways.

  6. I'm stopping by courtesy of Friday's Gracious Giveaways. I am hoping to win one of these fantastic crayon wallets. I love your stuff - Thanks & I hope I'm a winner.

  7. I saw your giveaway at Friday's Gracious Giveaways and absolutely love your stuff! I had a hard time deciding what to choose! Love the kiwi cupcake crayon holder. great idea on the wipes cases too!
