Friday, August 21, 2009

Mommy Necklace

I'm going to be the craft person for my MOPS group this year, so I've been hunting down ideas for crafts that are cheap, easy and fantastic! This is one of them. I've been wanting a Mommy necklace for awhile now, but have been way too cheap to buy one. So, I made it myself!

It's made out of washers from the Home Depot (cool and cheap all wrapped into one) that I stamped with my girls names. I put them together with wire from my scrapbooking stash because I found the cute angel charm that I wanted to put with them. If I didn't want to use the charm, I probably would have just run the ball chain through the holes of the washers.

Guess what the grandmas are going to get for Christmas?


  1. Gorgeous and I am sure there will be some happy Grandmas.


  2. That is fantastic. You always blow me away with your creativity.

  3. Oh I love those types of necklaces! Great job!! :)

  4. Your necklace looks great - what did you use to make the letters stand out? Ink?

  5. Dawn - yes, it's ink. Sharpie to be exact! I'm thinking I'll take photos the next time I make one and do a tutorial.

  6. Thanks! I'll be watching for your tutorial!

  7. That is a great idea! You should try to sell them on Etsy! :D

  8. That looks great! You could give these as gifts and your friends and family would be thrilled!!!

  9. What a neat idea!!!

    I am stopping by courtesy of Friday's Gracious Giveaways.

    I just saw you etsy shop and LOVED it!! You have some neat items!

  10. I love them and I want one!!! Can't wait for MOPS!

  11. Super cute! how did you get the letters to stand out? Did you actually press into the metal (it looks indented!) or is it staz on ink?

  12. squeal! I LOVE these necklaces, and am too cheap to buy one .... anxiously awaiting the tutorial. I'm stopping by from Friday's Gracious Giveaways!

  13. Those are really cool! I'm also awaiting a tutorial!
